International Day of Peace
Not to be mistaken with World Day of Peace, an International Day of Peace is an international public holiday dedicated to world peace. The term ‘International Day of Peace’ can be used in many countries as a day set aside for peace. On this day, the emphasis is on peace. Since various conflicts around the world make it hard for nations to maintain stable governments, the International Day of Peace tries to raise awareness among people about world peace. It is believed that in order to achieve world peace, political leaders must address all political issues through peaceful means and that may include withdrawal of weapons from the disputed regions.
In essence, the International Day of Peace is an international day of non-violent civil disobedience. It is a day set apart from the celebration of holidays and other momentous events in that year. In fact, it is one of the few major international holidays that are not focused on any particular holiday or event. Rather, the International Day of Peace is created by the United Nations and its preeminent intergovernmental organizations like the Red Cross, the World Wildlife Fund, and the United Nations Environment Program. The reason behind holding the International Day of Peace is to raise the consciousness of individuals on the causes of violence and how by peacefully exercising our right of expression, we can bring down the level of conflicts and violence in the world.
A history of peace Since the inception of the United Nations, various conflicts around the globe have been put on record, bringing home to us the thought that peace is a precious commodity that must never be relinquished. As we continue to live in a world dominated by war, it is our responsibility to ensure that every person enjoys freedom and peace. By recognizing and celebrating the International Day of Peace we can contribute towards promoting global peace and security.