Unconditional Peace


Unconditional Peace

Peace is a state of mind where there is no fear, anxiety, or tension of any kind. Peace is also a state of universal joy and contentment, in the midst of human conflict and strife. In a psychological sense, peace is used to signify an absence of war and conflict between people or groups, in a psychological sense peace is regarded as a state of psychological well being.

Peace is desirable because without it human rights violations have been dramatically reduced, many forms of torture have been eliminated, and human suffering has decreased dramatically. Peace is desirable because, without it human rights violations are likely to continue unabated and conflicts may escalate and become more intense. Peace is desirable because, without it we are vulnerable to the brutal power of other human interests. Peace is desirable because, without it we could experience a period of economic deterioration, political turmoil, and environmental degradation.

The creation of the United Nations is an attempt by human beings to establish peace and security within the globe. Through the United Nations peacekeeping forces peace can be maintained. Through the United Nations we can learn from one another and draw on the collective wisdom of all our great nations. This is one of the greatest creations of man, and through the United Nations we can come together to ensure that peace reigns throughout the world.